Tuesday, January 11, 2005

How much does 500 bucks weigh?

When it's in casebook form, a lot. I bought books today for the semester...pale waltzing lord it was expensive and heavy. That's what you get for picking Trusts and Estates for the 5th class, rather than something seminar-y with lots of xerox packets. Let me put it this way: the stack of books is almost taller than my laptop screen when it's open. And to think--on MTW, I have to have all of them with me!

After several days of decent effort towards getting my apartment reorganized, rearranged, and clean, I had a totally nonproductive day. Aside from getting the books, I didn't really do anything today. Took a good nap. Made some good pancakes. Screwed around on the internet. I've felt kind of crummy all day, and I'm hoping upon hope that it's just psychosomatic and that I don't have mono. Ah well, doc's office tomorrow.

The good news is that I fanagled another interview in Houston for this week--let's hope one of these things gets me a real, live, paid job for the summer. Somehow I don't think I can pay the bills with Diamond, Sedaka & Young, even though I made killer letterhead last night. In a glance, you'd never realize it's a fake firm...unless you notice the list of their offices' cities include things like Duluth, Provo, and Magna in addition to the standard fare.

I wish someone could explain to me why Max, the cat who hates all food that isn't cat food, has developed a love of coffee. Seriously, if I have a mug sitting on the desk, he'll plunk his face right in and start drinking before I can totally grasp that my cat is actually drinking hot coffee. If he even smells it in the mug, he'll start lapping at the air with his tongue before he even hits the liquid. Then again, he licks the blind cords, so who's accounting for taste?

Warmest wishes to J, whom I miss dearly.


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