Saturday, December 04, 2004

Lookee, lookee

In the past 36 hours I have:

1) Been an unwilling participant in a rousing round of Waltzes of Stupid at the local Kinko's.
2) Hid Max in his carrier in the bedroom while the landlord showed my apartment to a prospective future tenant, hoping like hell Max wouldn't protest audibly while they were here.
3) Printed and assembled 45 cover letters and resumes for summer job apps
4) Come full circle in deciding regular size 10 envelopes were fine, changed my mind to thinking large envelopes that would allow the resume and letter to lay flat were better, and reverted back to size 10 since I had already applied the postage.
4, b) Mailed 45 cover letters and resumes for summer jobs
5) Stressed
6) Napped in response to the stress
7) Decided my life absolutely, positively could not continue in its current, printerless state.
8) Trekked to Best Buy to purchase a printer from Jodie Foster's younger, heavier alter-ego.
9) Decided I like apple pie again and purchased one, to be consumed in t-30 minutes
10) Wasted about a minute of your time with this list.

Carry on.


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