Monday, December 20, 2004

Contracts give me hives

Contracts exam's a'comin'. Comin' at me like a runaway bus. There's a whole lot of learning to be done before 8am Wednesday. Gah.

I do love, though, that I just got another goddamn email from UT-Austin...telling me that they've received my FAFSA application but that they can't tell me anything about financial aid just yet because I haven't been accepted. Okay, for the zillionth time: I DON'T WANT TO GO TO UT. AT ALL. Also, I beg to differ about the "haven't been accepted" detail. I was, in fact, accepted. I just didn't take them up on their offer. There's a difference. Gah, it's like being dumped, then calling the person who dumped you and telling him/her you're not sure if you want to go out with them but you're really glad they asked and you'll sure keep thinking about it. UT? I dumped you. Stop calling.

If you're in need of excellent women's sportswear (or missed my birthday and want to send me something fab! Right.), check out Title 9 Sports. I ordered a few things with a gift certificate from the aforementioned bday, and they came today. Hoodie splendor! Running tights! Sleek pants that make me look like a Pilates instructor! Hooray!

Fine. Fine. Back to my contracts notes. Oh, how's this for totally wrong: I have the song "Cheer up Charlie" from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory stuck in my head.


At 11:22 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Approximately as wrong as the fact that I planned to prepare for the Property exam by sitting in the room with headphones on listening to very angry music, but when the time came all I was in the mood for was Schoolhouse Rock. Now I have a friend named Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla...

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Salle said...

Oh that's pretty bad. Almost as bad as the time my dad and I were at Disney World and the 'It's a Small World' ride broke down while we were on it. And the music kept playing. And they wouldn't let us get off the little tram. It was over an hour before it got fixed. I couldn't get that shit out of my head for nearly two years. I think it was punishment for the fact that I always wanted to bring my music box that played the IASW song to the dinner table when I was little.


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