Monday, December 06, 2004

Inside scoop

Three things they don't tell you about Ann Arbor:

1) There are a lot of skunks. During the warm months, there's a totally bizarre issue with skunks that get hit by cars and smell up your street. I'm not kidding...happens often enough that I stopped considering it out of place by, like, the second week of September.

2) There is fog that makes one feel as though walking around with either cataracts or a painless migraine. Weird, eerie.

3) Parking violations are the single most important police matter. Truly, someone could be hacking a nun in half with a saw, and the first thing the cops would check upon their arrival to the scene would be whether the perpetrator's car was parked in an expired meter. If someone were to try to break into my house, I have a feeling my call to 911 would go something like:
Me: there's a guy trying to break into my house.
911 Operator: Did he arrive in a vehicle?
Me: Yes...?
911 Op: Can you see how far it is from the curb? Is it blocking the sidewalk?


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