Monday, September 27, 2004

Hominuh? moment of the week

So...what's going on here? This guy--we'll call him Trent (doesn't he look like a Trent?) has gleefully volunteered to demonstrate, um, something involving a duffel bag's less-attractive cousin strung up on a giant clothes rack. In no way does this look like something I'd use theraputically, as the website would like one to do.

I like this sequence a lot; it's as through Trent really wants to make sure we understand that he's using the device to lower himself gently to the floor. It would be a shame for someone to miss that point and try going from the first pose to the third without the intervening gentle lowering action, as that may cause the whole thing to tip which, we can all agree, would be very counterproductive for any theraputic aims.

If you're warming up to Trent, you might like this's a bit less instructional and a little more arty. I think it would be even better with a bunch of doves or puppies around him, but this works, too:

But really, this is the best one, and I'm not even going to touch it:



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