A few truths for a Thursday (NOT in order of priority):
1) I do *not* want to teach tonight. Not. One. Bit.
2) I am freaking out about finding a place to live in Ann Arbor for the fall.
3) The word of the day is Pete, and that makes all things substantially better.
Re: the first item....I'm kind of sleepy and definitely not in the mood for the Herculean labor it takes to get the Thursday kids to understand things. Maybe I'll let them out early.
Re: the second item...I know this is totally doable, really. I'm going to let myself have a little flip out time today and that will be the end of it. Sheesh, this take-responsibility-for-your-own-life crap is a lot simpler when you start a decent-paying job in the city where you went to undergrad and everything just sort of falls into place. Ah, well...people do cross-country moves every day, and so can I.
Re: the third item...how lucky am I? Very. How happy am I? More than I know how to describe intelligently. During a delightful conversation this morning over eggs, bacon, bagels, and espresso, I thought to myself "how is this possible? How did I find myself looking across the table at someone so amazingly awesome?" I don't know, but I it's been the best surprise to come my way in a looooong time. Life is awesome, stressors and all.
In addition to the awesomeness that is Pete, there's nothing like a chocolate chip cookie the size of your head to make things seem a little bit incredible. Damn, those are some good cookies.