Monday, February 24, 2003

Yeah…so I never got around to posting last week. I tell you, those Monday holidays are nice but they sure screw up the rest of my week. Then again, I’ve had trouble keeping track of what day it is since about Thanksgiving, so that’s probably a pretty invalid excuse.

I just noticed that my desk chair makes an inordinate amount of squeaking and creaking as I shift around in it. It’s probably always been there, but I’ve successfully blocked it out until now. I wonder if it’s a source of intense annoyance for those around me…

Have you ever been at a crossroads in a friendship—when you come to realize that, despite a long and varied history, it’s time to cut someone loose? I’m there, and it’s bizarre. For reasons I don’t know (but can probably guess), one of my formerly nearest and dearest friends has all but disappeared—or at least has suspended all contact. There was no fight, no incident, nothing, which is probably why this feels so un-final. He’s just…gone, and it’s time for me to accept that and, in my own way, say goodbye. It might not be a permanent farewell, but it’s necessary now. So, goodbye, Mr. Drama—I hope you chose things that make you happy, and I hope the things that make you happy choose you. Fare thee well.

At times like this, a good croissant would go a long way towards, well, I’m not sure what. There’s really not a lot that’s wrong at the moment (and a few things that are substantially right!), so I’m not talking culinary therapy or anything. Still, something with an overwhelmingly high butter content would be pretty fab right about now!

No list today—my little brain is a little empty.


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