Friday, January 17, 2003

And so ends another week, which has been surprisingly busy. Monday was my only obligation-free lunch day, which practically never happens. Sadly, having lunch appointments every day of the week doesn’t mean a week of great food. All I can say is that the bar really can’t get much lower for large-event catering in this city. Twice in one week I found myself a luncheon where I was denied the opportunity for coffee. The hell?

Anyway, the motivation for this non-Monday post is that there’s a PSA I need to get off my chest (ahem, so to speak). I can’t for the life of me come up with a truly witty lead-in for this so I’ll just come out and say it. Men of the world, and particularly this city and even more particularly my workplace...STOP LOOKING AT MY BREASTS. Good grief guys, they don’t talk, and they aren’t in any danger of falling off my body, so please stop checking in on them. I am not even close to kidding, this crap is ridiculous. Yesterday, during a break of the BOARD of DIRECTORS meeting I am required to attend, a rather prominent economist couldn’t even manage to limit the back and forth action between my face and my rack to non-subtle eye movements—there was actual up-and-downage of his head. For crying out loud, are we in high school? Actually, I take that back. You see, I teach test prep classes for high school students and I can say without reservation that the 16-year-olds are significantly less obvious or disgusting about their chest-leering. It’s truly appalling, and I hate it—particularly in my workplace (where there are unfortunately about four blatant, repeat offenders with whom I interact on a daily basis). I don’t really get it, either. Mine are fine, but they aren’t *that* big and certainly not what I would describe as remarkable. Every other person has them, and to be honest, they’re kind of weird. But if you find them attractive, hey, that’s your deal…just stare when it’s appropriate and not while I’m talking to you about planning a conference, mmmkay?

Once again, a solid piece of evidence in my Boys Are Stupid file.


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