Saturday, December 03, 2005

Oh dear

It's now squarely December, and that means exams are but moments away. I really dislike this time of the semester, even though this year in no way resembles last year in terms of volume or intensity of both work to be done and nerves. Still, I'd much rather just be done with it all and not have these stupid half-done outlines hanging over my head every time I want to read Dear Abby. If you imagine that Word documents can't cast judging looks, boy do you have a lot to learn. I swear, my tax outline made fun of my pants the other day. Swear.

I am, however, a bit of a near-champion. My bowling team made it to the finals earlier this week in our night of playoffs, and we only lost by four pins. Considering that we were in 19th out of 20 places about 6 weeks ago, I'd say that's a pretty good showing. I'd also say that bowling four games in a row is kind of a lot, and that if you start the fourth game after 1am, you should really lower your scoring expectations, lest you be somewhat supremely disappointed. But no matter: we get, like, plaques and shit.

Enterprise Organizations calls. Happy Belated Festivus to all.