Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I don't eat spam on salads...

...And I don't like it in my comments, either. Sorry for the new character verification thingamabob in the comments section, but I got a comment yesterday promoting something about British music and the difference between blogging and dogging.

So my first thought, upon reading all nonsensical spam like that, is to wonder who the hell thinks that's effective or eliciting anything other than delete-happy behavior on my part? Then I realize two things--that spammers don't really give a shit, and the 30th percentile is stupid enough to be all 'ooh, discount viagra? where?' that the links get clicked. Bleh.

Carry on.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

She must get a job

Oh mah gah...are you still reading this? I never post anymore!

S'anyway (as Joe would say), want to know what I did this afternoon? If you're thinking to yourself something along the lines of no, not really, because I'm sure it's something like 'I went to ethics, came home, made dinner, and did nothing but homework until passing out in a pint of low-fat Ben and Jerry's,' then you're wrong. That was the plan, but you're wrong.

I realized this morning Phoebe might be kind of sick, and when I came home between classes this afternoon, I was more right than I wanted to be. Nothing to clean up, but I watched her head to the litterbox and work extremely hard to get...something out, with zero results. Which, when it involves an inability to pee? Is not so good. We had a vet appointment at 4:30, but 4:30 came and went and I couldn't get her in the carrier. Finally the vet called back at 6 to tell me if I couldn't get it together inside of 30 minutes, I was going to have to take her to the emergency room.

Two hours, a ransacked living room, some bloody oven mitts, and a huge bunch of help from J later, we had her in the carrier and headed for the animal emergency room. Ugh. After a lot of sedatives, two xrays, a urinalysis, and a completely random spontaneous incident of crapping out a rubber band (her, not me), I am $439 poorer and she has some meds to help out with the urinary tract infection. Sooper.

In other news, I'm greatly looking forward to Fall Break (translation: Monday off), as it makes my usual three-day-weekend into the four-day variety. As this is the first weekend in a few weeks I haven't been traveling, there is actually the possibility of work. Suh-weet. Monday afternoon I will attempt to make brisket for my first Rosh Hashana dinner. I generally have good luck with meat, so all should be well.

Anyway, life is good (large vet bills notwithstanding). Second year is so much better than first year I want to pee my pants....and I liked first year.