Monday, June 21, 2004

Counting, Betting, Complaining, Inviting

After today, I have 5 weeks and 4 days of regular work left. There was a time (a long time) when I seriously considered working through the first week of August. It seemed like it might be a good idea to get one more week of pay, to leave 5 more days of training my successor, etc….not so much. The money—feh, I’ll figure that part out. It looks like I’ll come out ahead either way I cut it, so the minimization of the agro is definitely worth it.

We rented a movie this weekend. From Blockbuster. On my card. It’s due Saturday (see? I know when it’s due!). Anyone who’d like to cast bets on whether or not I bring it back on time is welcome…I won’t be offended. In fact, I’ll start it out with an Abraham Lincoln that says I end up taking it back Sunday morning.

Not to complain (wait, what? Who am I? What is this blog about again? Oh, right.), but I need to say in an official manner that it sucks *royally* to realize at 11:45 p.m. that you need to be at work an hour and a half early the next morning. That, for those slow on the uptake, would be me today. Due to a breakfast I helped organize, I hit the security gates this morning at 6:55 a.m. It feels like I’ve been here for a hundred years this morning, and it’s only 8:35. Wowie. I think today *definitely* calls for some Bank Admin games. It’s true, we make up our own sad little brands of fun. There’s Poor Man’s Lacrosse, where Little RayRay and I use hardhats to catch a stress ball we throw back and forth across the divider between our desks. There’s Peppermint Toss, where we try to throw Starlight Mints into a coworker’s shirt pocket. Finally, there’s the many, many fun things we do with laser pointers. Surprisingly, racing them across the ceiling takes a steady hand and no shortage of skill. Sometimes, we play Laser Pointer Chicken, where we take turns shining them into the VPs’ offices for as long as we dare. Really, it’s a good time to be had by all.

In other news, I [heart] gmail. Now that I have invites, I feel like one of the cool kids. In a way, it kind of makes up for all the crap I took in high school. Who knew that the power to bring others into a beta release of a web-based email program could compensate for all the why-aren’t-you-pretty-like-your-sisters, what-are-you-looking-at-freak, why-don’t-I-just-take-this-orange-juice-from-you and well-we-know-YOU-aren’t-going-to-homecoming comments….wait, actually, it doesn’t. But it’s pretty fun nevertheless.


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